Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Medieval Market

Today there is medieval market day in Chesterfield. There is one every year but I've only been once before, when I worked as an au pair.

In Chesterfield there is a market two or three times a week, many of the stalls today were just like the ones that are usually there. In addition to those there were some stall owners that were dressed up in medieval-looking clothes, some stalls for charity, many more vans selling food than usual, some stalls doing tom-bolas (I won a bottle of wine) and quite a few selling home-made items.

I even saw a cheese stall with some Norwegian brown cheese! 

Just in front of the Crooked Spire there is the "proper" medieval part. My favourite part. I wish the rest of the market was as authentic looking as that. It's just three tents and you can learn a bit more about the weapons and medicine that they used in the old days. 

It's nice that they do special market days instead of just the usual ones, there is such a good vibe to it all, so many happy families just pottering about the market. 

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