I have 115 DVDs, not counting TV series. I try to get rid of the ones I don't actually like sometimes, but I keep buying new ones all the time. I use Play.com a lot, I was very happy when I found out they deliver for free to Norway, and as long as they're under £20, there's no customs charge either.
The thing is though, I would save loads of money I could stop buying DVDs all the time. Another reason not to buy film all the time is that a lot of the time the films turns out to be rubbish, or just not my cup of tea, and I regret having spent money on them.
I have borrowed films from the local library a few times. Luckily I can borrow films there for free, I know there are some libraries where you have to pay to borrow films. Which is fair enough, they need to earn some money as well. But anyway, the local library doesn't really have a lot of films on offer.
Instead of using loads of money buying or renting films, why not borrow with your friends?
A friend and I are borrowing films from each other at the minute. I wrote her a list of the films I had and she wrote me one with the films she had. Then she looked at the list I sent her and she told me which ones she'd like to borrow. I had not seen any of the films she had (that I could remember) so I just sent a message back asking if I could borrow all of them(she only had 7). Some of them is the kind of films I don't think I'll like, but since I get to borrow them for free anyway I might as well watch them. Maybe I'll like them after all.
Of course, you can also do the same thing with books.
I used to spend a lot of money on books as well. When I moved from England I gave most of my books to Oxfam, and I decided I would try not to spend so much money on books from then on, and I have actually managed not to.
The thing is, after living in England for over 3 years, I've kind of gotten used to reading books in English. I will of course read the book in Norwegian if that's the original language, like Jostein Gaarder
's books, but if they've been translated to Norwegian I think they sound weird in a way. The local book shops doesn't really sell many books in English, so of course that helps. So I went to the library, their English book section is also very small, but they told me they can order books for me. For free!! So now I usually hand a long list of books to the library (usually by author like: Cecelia Ahern one month, Marian Keyes the next) and they order the books for me!
Recently though I got the first 8 books of the Sookie Stackhouse series
for my birthday, that I only just started to read a couple of weeks ago, so I'm working my way through them. I also got some books for Christmas that I've not had time to read yet. I brought two of the Sookie Stackhouse books with me when I went to England, and I finished them, so I wanted to buy another book for my journey home....
Not a good idea. I went in to Waterstone's (wich is a bad idea to begin with when you're me) and I got 3 new books, because they were on a 3 for 2 offer. Then I walked past Michael McIntyres book Live and Laughing
the next day, so I had to buy that. And the day before I left, N wanted to buy a book in Tesco's but she could only find one and they were on a 2 books for £8 offer, so I got a book as well so that we would only have to pay £4 each....
So I now have a whole stack of books to get through, and the library just got a book in that I ordered a while ago, so of course I have to read that first since they want it back in a few weeks time.
Only one book in Norwegian |
At least I TRY to save money.
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