Friday, 4 February 2011

Second thoughts

I have been having second thoughts about studying accounting lately. I was never sure that I wanted to be an accountant, but I really want to study, so I just picked something I thought I might enjoy...

Maybe it's just nerves. But at the same time I don't want to get a huge loan that will take me years to repay. Not if it's for something I don't want to do. It would be better to study something that I can use in a lot of jobs. Like when I got my OCR in England: That can come in handy in any office job, and it was only part-time, and not very expensive.

I still want to go to Australia, and I WILL. But I might have to find something else to do. Maybe be an au pair again. It's how I started out in England. It's a great way to get to a country, because then you've got both a job and a place to live.

It's a little bit embarrassing as well. I have to quite a few people that I've been planning to go to Australia and study accounting. So telling everyone that I won't do it will be hard. But I think I have liked the idea of it more that actually wanting it...

I don't know. I'll have to think about it a little bit more before I make up my mind. But if I decide I don't want to study then I need to let them know at Griffith so that they can give my place to someone else.

What's most annoying about all this is that I really want to study, and get on with my life, get a proper job, instead of just working in pubs and shops all my life. I'm not saying that to work in a pub or a shop isn't a proper job, it's okay for someone that wants to do it, and that likes to work with people, but for me it's just not the right job.

1 comment:

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Hi Lilly, I can understand what you are saying. To take out a huge loan to pay for something you really want to do, for something that will be of benefit is one thing, to take out such a loan to do something you are not sure is for you is another thing. I'm sure that those who care for you will understand your decision.


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