Yes, I am reading a lot of kid's books at the minute just to bring my numbers up. I mean, It's September and I doubt I'll get to 100 book anyway by the end of the year. But there are also a lot of kid's books that I've wanted to read for years and now that I've finally got the chance, and I can put them on a challenge as well, why not?
by Eric Carle
Outer back cover: A much-loved classic, The Very Hungry Caterpillar has won over millions of readers with it's vivid and colourful collage illustrations and its deceptively simple, hopeful story. With its die-cut pages and finger sized holes to explore, this is a richly satisfying book for children.
Very funny book. I like Saturday. I also like the simple and funny way it teaches kids that caterpillars become butterflies.
by P. D. Eastman
Outer back cover: ARE YOU MY MOTHER? tells a very simple story for children who have just started to read. Their younger brothers and sisters will also want to follow the baby bird's quest as he asks everyone and everything he meets, "Are You My Mother?"
It's not just nice for kids that has just learnt to read, but for kids learning animals and the names of things as well. You can ask while you're reading "Why isn't the cow the mother? What is the baby cow called?" etc.
by Peter Mayle
Outer back cover: How do you explain orgasm to a seven year old?
How do you explain the process of conception?
How much should you tell and what should you skip? - And how do you tell it so that it interests your child and doesn't embarrass you?
WHERE DID I COME FROM?, which has been described as an "adult juvenile," tells the facts of life like they are-and in a way that children can understand and parents can enjoy.
It covers all the bases. From love-making, orgasm, conception and growth inside the womb through the actual birth day.
It names all the labels (vagina, penis, etc.) and shows all the important parts of the body.
In other words, WHERE DID I COME FROM? treats your child like a young adult. Which, after all, is what he or she is.
The book blurb says it all really. I might buy this book if I get kids of my own one day. It really is written and explained in a great way for kids.
I had "where did I come from?" and "What's happening to me?" when I was a kid, great books..
I remember them using the videos of the books as well to teach us at school.. good way to introduce the young'ins to sex ed..
The very hungry caterpillar is a fantastic book! :D
I can't wait to buy my great nephew (9 months) a copy of The Very hungry Caterpillar.
The best kid's book EVER - The Jolly Postman. I loved opening all the little letters in it when I was young .... but that is possibly because I'm quite sad like that!
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